Church of the Good Shepherd seeks to welcome all into our community, embodying a
form of radical hospitality that reflects Jesus’ embrace of all. This openness means that
we do not all agree on everything, but we believe in our disagreements we are better
able to minister in the name of the Christ and to share God’s love to the world.
Worship is at the heart of our community. Our Sunday morning worship is at 9:30 AM,
and it is broadcast over Zoom to allow those who cannot manage to physically join us to
be a part of our worshipping community. The weekly round of worship grounds and
feeds us, so that we may be strengthened to do God’s work in the world. The yearly
liturgical calendar allows us to engage more deeply in our faith and to experience
moments when we, too, join in that ancient story, making that story our own.
Music is important in our community. Our organist and choir provide beautiful music,
both traditional and contemporary, and the congregation enthusiastically joins in hymn
singing. In addition, we have a bell choir that enhances our worship on special
occasions. In addition, we host a regular series of musical concerts for the community.
Sunday School meets during the first part of the service, and the children join us for
communion. These classes are enhanced by special events such as making Advent
wreaths, celebrating Las Posadas, and engaging our children in our Sunday worship.
There is an adult class which meets in Henderson Hall at 11:30 AM on Sundays and by
Zoom, that meets for in-depth book discussions, both of fiction and of non-fiction books.
Other classes are offered on occasion.
On Wednesdays, at 12:05 PM we have a more informal service, which is usually
Eucharist, except on the second week of the month when a Taize service is offered.
Our worship necessarily leads us into our ministry outside of our walls. This is done in a
variety of ways, including the Sixth Street Mission, Palomas outreach, mission trips, and
support of local groups providing help for those in need.